Howto: Object Modification <<<

Howto: Batch Update Objects

It is possible to modify the values of one or more fields in several objects simultaneously via batch update.

XLS Batch Update Objects

  1. Navigate to the relevant collection (e.g. Bacteria).
  2. In the Collection table, from the Columns, select Identifier and the field(s) you want to update (e.g. Origin), as shown below
  3. If you have several entries you can filter the table
  4. Export the table choosing the options Import Compatible= YES; Selected Columns; All pages/Current page/Selected rows (depending on what you want to export).
  5. Modify the file you just exported and save it.
  6. Select XLS Batch Update Objects from the More.. dropdown
  7. Upload the file you saved before and click Accept.

openbis batch update01

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Your entries will be updated or if e.g. a Vacabulary Type has not a value that would belong to the Vacabulary Type will throw an error like this:

openbis batch update06

Note: If a column is removed from the file or a cell in a column is left empty the corresponding values of updated samples will be preserved.

To delete a value or a parent/child connection from openbis one needs to enter --DELETE-- into the corresponding cell in the XLS file.

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© Kristian K Ullrich (2024) -

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