Openbis ELN Types
In Openbis there are different kind of objects with all have features, these features are called in Openbis types.
As an Openbis-Admin one can add, edit types and objects to the need of the Openbis-Users.
The following types exist:
- Object Types (like a Chemical, Entry or Antibody)
- Collection Types (like a Collection or Experiment, more like a global container)
- Data Set Types (Data Formats that can be choosen as attachments)
- Material Types (deprecated type kept for backward comaptibility)
- Vocabulary Types (preset options that can be choosen for another object, like single-end or paired-end for an Illumina sequence run)
- Property Types (all properties of objects with definition if it is e.g. BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, ...)
The following types are installed by default:
Object Types
- General protocol
- Storage
- Storage position
- Product
- Supplier
- Order
- Request
- Publication
Collection Types
- Collection
Data Set Types
- ELN preview
- Raw data
- Processed data
- Analyzed data
- Attachment
- Other data
- Source code
- Analysis notebook
- Publication data
Basic Default Types
Default Types are objects that can be choosen while creating an experiment or experimenatl step.
All have a minimal feature set, in all cases the NAME of the object is mandatory to be set.
- Entry
- Experimental Step
- Default Experiment
Since the ELN-LIMS-LIFE-SCIENCE plugin is activated there are the following additional Basic Default Types:
- Antibodies
- Chemicals
- Enzymes
- Media
- Solutions and Buffers
- Plasmids
- Plants
- Oligos
- Bacteria
- Cell lines
- Flies
- Yeasts
- General protocols
- PCR protocol
- Western blotting protocols
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© Kristian K Ullrich (2024) -