Openbis ELN Types <<<

Parents and Children relationships

Openbis works with a hierachical data structure.

Openbis objects can be linked to other objects and datasets with N:N relationship.

These links are called "Parent-Child" relationships.

openbis parent child

To explain this in more detail:

  1. DNA was extracted from liver tissue (TISSUE) from an animal (ANIMAL1) and aliquots of the DNA are used in different experiments (VIAL1, VIAL2, VIAL3)

openbis parent child relationship

  1. You write a protocol, and want to keep track of the SAMPLE and CHEMICAL used

openbis parent child chemical

  1. You describe an experiment and you want to keep track of the PROTOCOL, SAMPLES and MICROSCOPE

openbis parent child microscope

  1. You make an experiment in several steps and you want to link each step to the previous one

openbis parent child experiments

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© Kristian K Ullrich (2024) -

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